General Education Matriculation (GEM) Courses in Idaho are courses that are accepted and transferable between all participating Idaho Higher Education Institutions. These courses will allow students greater flexibility should they ever transfer to another Idaho institution. A GEM course is a course that has been identified by an institution’s faculty as meeting the competency requirements for one of the six competency areas.
General Education Core Complete
The General Education Core Complete formalizes the programmatic completion of the general education framework established in SBOE Policy III.N. The Core Complete in General Education is completed as part of an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree. Students may not select Core Complete as a declared major, but will receive a notation on their transcript to show they have completed the general education core requirements. It marks a significant milestone in a student’s pursuit of the AA or AS degree. This automatic notation is intended for degree-seeking students who plan to complete their AA or AS degree at College of Eastern Idaho or who intend to transfer into a baccalaureate program after completing the required 36 credits.
Listed classes are subject to change in accordance with the Idaho State Board of Education.
The six GEM competency areas are:
- Written Communication (GEM 1)
- Oral Communication (GEM 2)
- Mathematical Ways of Knowing (GEM 3)
- Scientific Ways of Knowing (GEM 4)
- Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing (GEM 5)
- Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing (GEM 6)
The expected learning outcomes for GEM courses are listed below.
GEM 1: Written Communication
Upon completion of a course in this category, students are able to demonstrate the following competencies:
- Use flexible writing process strategies to generate, develop, revise, proofread, and edit texts
- Adopt strategies and genre appropriate to the rhetorical situation
- Use inquiry-based strategies to conduct research that explores multiple and diverse ideas and perspectives, appropriate to the rhetorical context
- Use rhetorically appropriate strategies to evaluate, represent, and respond to the ideas and research of others
- Address readers’ biases and assumptions with well-developed evidence-based reasoning
- Use appropriate conventions for integrating, citing, and documenting source material
- Read, interpret, and communicate key concepts in writing and rhetoric
GEM 2: Oral Communication
Upon completion of a course in this category, students are able to demonstrate the following competencies:
- Research, discover, and develop information resources and structure spoken messages to increase knowledge and understanding.
- Research, discover, and develop evidence-based reasoning and persuasive appeals for ethically influencing attitudes, values, beliefs, or behaviors.
- Adapt spoken messages to the diverse personal, ideological, and emotional needs of individuals, groups, or contexts.
- Employ effective spoken and nonverbal behaviors that support communication goals and illustrate self-efficacy.
- Listen in order to effectively and critically evaluate the reasoning, evidence, and communication strategies of self and others.
- Demonstrate knowledge of key theories, perspectives, principles, and concepts in the Communication discipline, as applied to oral communication.
GEM 3: Mathematical Ways of Knowing
Upon completion of a course in this category, a student is able to demonstrate the following competencies:
- Interpret mathematical concepts
- Represent information/data
- Use appropriate strategies/procedures when solving mathematical problems
- Draw reasonable conclusions based on quantitative information
GEM 4: Scientific Ways of Knowing
Upon completion of a non-lab course in this category, a student is able to demonstrate the first four competencies; A student is able to demonstrate all five competencies upon completion of a lab course:
- Apply foundational knowledge and models of a discipline in the physical or natural sciences to analyze and/or predict phenomena
- Apply scientific reasoning to critically evaluate assertions
- Interpret and communicate scientific information via written, spoken and/or visual representations
- Describe the relevance of specific scientific principles to the human experience
- (lab) Test a hypothesis in the laboratory or field using discipline-specific tools and techniques for observation, data collection and analysis to form a defensible conclusion
GEM 5: Humanistic and Artistic Ways of Knowing
Upon completion of a course in this category, students are able to demonstrate at least five (5) of the following competencies:
- Recognize and describe humanistic, historical, or artistic works within problems and patterns of the human experience.
- Distinguish and apply methodologies, approaches, or traditions specific to the discipline.
- Differentiate formal, conceptual, and technical elements specific to the discipline
- Analyze, evaluate, and interpret texts, objects, events, or ideas in their cultural, intellectual or historical contexts.
- Interpret artistic or humanistic works through the creation of art, language, or performance.
- Develop critical perspectives or arguments about the subject matter, grounded in evidence-based analysis.
- Demonstrate self-reflection, widened perspective, and respect for diverse viewpoints.
GEM 6: Social and Behavioral Ways of Knowing
Upon completion of a course in this category, students are able to demonstrate all five (5) of the following competencies:
- Demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical and conceptual frameworks of a particular Social Science discipline.
- Describe self and the world by examining the dynamic interaction of individuals, groups, and societies as they shape and are shaped by history, culture, institutions, and ideas.
- Utilize Social Science approaches, such as research methods, inquiry, or problem-solving, to examine the variety of perspectives about human experiences.
- Evaluate how reasoning, history, or culture informs and guides individual, civic, or global decisions.
- Identify the impact of the similarities and differences among and between individuals, cultures, or societies across space and time