Transcripts and Grades
Semester grade reports will be provided once the grades have been issued and recorded in the Student Affairs Office. All inquiries regarding student records should be directed to the Registrar.
The Registrar’s Office supplies transcripts of academic records to students who have no outstanding obligations to the College. Transcripts may be requested online through the National Student Clearinghouse ( Transcripts must be requested at least seven to ten (7-10) working days before they are needed. Each official copy will be $10.25 for a printed copy or $11.25 for a digital copy. An unofficial copy can be printed through Self-Service or requested through the Student Affairs Office for $2.
Transcripts that were obtained from other institutions for College of Eastern Idaho’s use will not be released to the student or other institutions.
Grade Appeal
Any grade appeal must be formally submitted to the Registrar’s Office no later than twenty (20) working days after the beginning of the succeeding semester in which the student received his/her grade. Students are encouraged to speak to the instructor first, before submitting a formal appeal.
Dual Credit grade appeals must follow the Early College Academic Appeal process. For more information, visit