Our Mission
To provide open-access to affordable, quality education that meets the needs of students, regional employers, and community.
Our Core Themes
Learning for Work and Life: CEI is a place of learning where students prepare for transfer, careers, and effective citizenship. The college embraces active learning, and provides instruction that is not only academically rigorous, but also tailored to the needs of the student and the community. Learning for work and life takes place in all areas of campus through transfer degrees, career-technical education, college and career readiness, and workforce training.
Student-Centered: CEI faculty and staff throughout the college are committed to students and their success. Well-functioning student support areas are critical to students’ success because they help model outstanding professional behaviors, and they provide comprehensive student support from first contact through degree and/or employment.
Community Engagement: CEI’s focus on community is evident in a safe and inviting campus, which fosters communication, professional growth and adult enrichment through broad, collaborative relationships within academic and employer communities throughout the region.
Educational Offerings
College of Eastern Idaho prepares students to earn an Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Arts in Business, or an Associate of Science (AS) degree and then, if they so choose, to transfer those credits to a baccalaureate institution. Academic transfer programs are comprised of instruction in liberal arts and sciences to develop knowledge and skills in communication, humanities, writing, mathematics, science, and social science. CEI also offers several Career Technical Education (CTE) certificates and programs including Technical Certificates and Associate of Applied Science (AAS).
Equal Opportunity
College of Eastern Idaho is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free from harassment and unlawful discrimination. Harassment or discrimination based on age, race, color, creed, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, medical condition, veteran status, or gender is prohibited. Harassing conduct that affects tangible job benefits, interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment will not be tolerated by CEI. Violation of this policy shall be considered grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. This is in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, and Sections 799A and 845 of the Public Health Service Act. College of Eastern Idaho is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution and the programs and courses offered are approved for Veterans Administration Benefits.
At CEI we value diverse opinions and input. We understand that students come from all walks of life and from varying backgrounds. We endeavor to teach critical thinking, backed by valid evidence, and expect civil discourse both in and out of the classroom. Students should feel comfortable offering alternate viewpoints so long as they are not discriminatory or disrespectful.
The Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Officer (for employees) may be contacted at 208.535.5303.
The Title IX and Student Conduct office (for students) may be contacted at 208.535.5451.
For CEI policies, see cei.edu/hr/policies-procedures/
See also cei.edu/student-affairs