Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Division of General Education

Goals of General Education

The general education core is intended to apply to all degrees and certificates recognized by the State Board of Education (SBOE). A central component of SBOE policy is the requirement that a student working toward a degree or certificate must also complete coursework in the general education core. Students who graduate from CEI with an Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree will be considered as having satisfied the lower division general education core requirements and may transfer to a four-year public institution in Idaho.  Students who plan to transfer should consult with their advisors and make early contact with a representative from the institution to which they intend to transfer. It is also recommended that students consult the catalog of the transfer institution to see which courses will be required to fulfill their graduation requirements.

Within this core, students are required to complete thirty-six (36) credits of general education that pulls from six (6) Ways of Knowing: Written Communication, Oral Communication, Humanistic and Artistic, Mathematical, Scientific, Social and Behavioral. All of these credits are transferable to any public post-secondary institution in Idaho as part of the core curriculum.

By completing courses in the general education core, students benefit from understanding how knowledge is generated and created. Mastery of a broad range of intellectual and cultural content imparts fundamental perspective to decision-making. The general education core classes cultivate curiosity across a broad spectrum of class content. This helps students going into any field of study to interrogate clearly, argue lucidly, and judge fairly. These classes also bring an awareness to the difficult ethical issues of our day, as well as teach the fundamentals of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Programs of Study

General Studies, AA (Transfer Degree)  

General Studies, AS (Transfer Degree)