To maintain good academic standing, the student is expected to make continued progress toward the completion of their selected program of study. Academic Standards are evaluated using two measurements:
- The student is expected to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher depending on the academic program.
- The student is expected to complete their selected program of study within 150% of the credit hours required for program completion.
Each student’s progress is evaluated after each semester by the Registrar’s Office. Failure to progress toward program completion at a rate consistent with the standards of progress will result in academic probation.
Deans and President’s List
Students are awarded at the end of each term academic distinction based on their cumulative GPA and completion of at least six credits. Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.5-3.749 with be awarded Dean’s List. Students with a cumulative GPA of 3.75-4.0 will be awarded President’s List. This distinction is indicated on the transcript and a letter will be mailed to the student.
Academic Probation
Students whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. Students on probation who earn a semester GPA of at least 2.0 will be placed on continued probation until their cumulative GPA is at least 2.0. Students on probation who do not earn a semester GPA of at least 2.0 will be placed on academic suspension for one semester.
Academic Suspension
Academic suspension will be effective for a minimum of one full semester, the following fall or spring. Summer is excluded. If suspension occurs at the end of spring semester, the student is not allowed to petition for readmission until the following spring semester.
After sitting the required semester, the student may submit a formal Petition for Readmission form to seek re-admittance. Petition forms and instructions are available on the CEI website. Re-admittance will be granted only if the student can demonstrate that the academic obstacles have been corrected. All readmission requests will be granted on a probationary basis only, and will be based upon space and availability. Approvals are signed by the appropriate Department Chairs and Deans.
A student who has been suspended due to unsatisfactory progress may appeal the decision within ten working days from the time of the action. A student wishing to appeal must do so in writing to the Registrar’s Office, and explain any mitigating circumstances that they feel caused the inability to meet the minimum standards. The appeal form will be reviewed by the appropriate Dean and they will respond within five working days of the receipt of the appeal. At that time the Registrar’s Office will notify the student of the outcome via their CEI email.
Academic Honesty Policy
The Student Code of Conduct requires academic honesty. Students must use their own content including their own thoughts. Students must cite when using others’ work. Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be subject to the Student Code of Conduct procedures.
Violations of academic honesty will be documented and may result in failure of the class or disciplinary probation. The concept of academic honesty is designed to guarantee a uniform standard against which to evaluate all students and to prevent cheating.
Students suspended for violation of the Academic Honesty Policy will receive a (F) in any class in which the cheating occurred whether or not the cheating takes place prior to mid-semester.
Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to:
- Cheating - Using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise
- Fabrication - Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise
- Plagiarism - The adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, or statements of another person or artifical intelligence as one’s own without acknowledgment
- Unauthorized Collaboration - Sharing information or working together in an academic exercise when such actions are not approved by the course faculty member
- Facilitating Academic Dishonesty - Helping or attempting to help another to violate a provision of the institutional code of academic integrity
- Students are expected to report infractions to their instructors
Student Appeal Procedures
Student Appeal Procedures can be found in Procedure 907 Student Code of Conduct.